Wednesday 17 February 2010

All this secrecy is driving me crazy

We have a lot of exciting things planned for the future of Moviestorm. Some of them you'll see very soon, some you'll see a long way down the road, and some of them just won't pan out at all. The trouble is, we honestly don't know which is which yet.

We do our best to keep you up-to-date with what we're working on, but the lovely Moviestorm community is insatiable. You just want to know absolutely everything. So, in an attempt to satisfy your curiosity / tease you some more (delete as appropriate), here's a proof-of-concept video from one of our development builds.

This one' s getting a brand new tag of WhenIt'sReadyWhichMightBeNever. Enjoy!


King's Child said...

Bring it on yes!

EclecticBlogger said...

So this will be in the next release, right? ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh yeah!!

Never, ever, ever say never! ;)

Nahton said...
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Nahton said...
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Nahton said...

That's awesome! Personally, I wouldn't worry about the curb to car transition as that can be edited around. The important thing for me is just getting the characters into a moving car. Oh - and can we have a car camera dolly shot while you are at it? This isn't asking too much is it? :-)

On another note, I guess I should re-focus my modding efforts on getting people onto horses or something. Speaking of which, where are the horses? Kidding....kidding.....