Earlier, Kate said she was hoping that "spikes" meant high heels, not spiky hair. As it happens, we already have a reasonable selection of high heels available in the existing Moviestorm content packs. Try these for size. Most of them are customisable too, so if you prefer Barbie pink to the tasteful colours we've picked here, then you go right ahead. We won't judge you. Barbie pink can be very nice in the right context, I'm sure.
OK, so they may not be the highest of high heels, but they're as high as I'd ever wear. But that's quite enough about my secret past in the
Rocky Horror Show. Ahem. Maybe I should go with a different reference.
OK, so they may not be the highest of high heels, but I know I wouldn't want anyone stomping on my hands wearing these. That's not really much better, is it?
I think I'd better get back to work.
Oooh I missed those, thank you Matt!
You need pictures like those in the store!
1 Glamour Dress - SongContest (Open Mic)
2 Dress (Knee) - Wardrobe01
3 Dress (Knee) - Wardrobe01
4 Dress Knee Length Black - Wardrobe02
5 RnB 01 - MusicVideo02
6 Juliet - Wardrobe01
Post updated so you can see what packs they come from. With linky goodness too!
I wonder what asset goodness is still hidden in those packs? Perhaps a competition for 'most surprising asset in a dramatic situation?'
I have these packs! Good idea to feature certain assets from time to time
Good idea - maybe we'll start doing that.
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