This is a very short, shaved cut for male characters. There are several variants from which to pick, from the subtle ...

... to the, er, not-so-subtle:

I've got a few more images still to show you, and maybe even a video or two, so check back over the next few days to see some more of the work-in-progress Hairstyles Pack (and more terrible puns in the post title).
Click the images to see a high-resolution version.
These are great!!
And I know Matt will call me impatient again, but I still want more, more, more screenies! :D
Oh, I do love it when you get excited, sisch! Teasing you is such fun...
As a young Mexican-American male who grew up around Californian urban youths, these hairstyles make me feel right at home. :)
Never mind that I actually AM at home right now.
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