All systems go!

Version 1.1 of Moviestorm has left the launchpad and will be available imminently. We've pressed the Big Red Button and everything is on its way to you at this very moment.
If you're already a Moviestorm user, press the Update button when you start Moviestorm and you can have all the new stuff right now. New users will have to wait another hour or so.
We'll of course have full info in the forums and on the Web site later today. Let us know what you think. We're off to crowd round Chris's monitor and look at what's next in the pipeline.
Freaking AWESOME !!!
Oh, and one of my movies made with 1.1. preview just got "featured" today!
Congradulations everyone!!! I'm so excited for you but am just a tad bit concerned...
"We're off to crowd round Chris's monitor and look at what's next in the pipeline."
Shouldn't you be off to the pub for a drink or seven? Off to sleep for 72 hours? Off to a secluded beach for a week? Into the arms of a loved one or into the arms of someone who's name you at least know?
Yes, we probably should. But Mr Bailey locked the door and wouldn't let us out of the building until the entire launch sequence was complete, payload fully deployed, and he declared the mission a success.
This message was sent from a pub on a secluded beach...
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