This is Ben.
Ben is cool because (1) he makes Moviestorm happen* (2) he's a truly awesome Magic The Gathering player.**
Ben is now 35.
Ben's beard is now 67.
Happy birthday, Ben!
*No, really. Without him, Moviestorm would be a pile of disconnected code and art and wouldn't actually do anything at all. Show the man some love.
**As in really, really, awesome. He's so awesome it makes you go woah, dude, that's, like, awesome!
Happy birthday, Ben!
I'll tap one black, one red, one green and two colorless mana to play a global enchantment called "Happy Birthday Ben!"
Card effects: Upkeep: Ben must drink 1 beer
While this enchantment is in play, creatures cannot attack. Instead, each creature in play must throw a party for Ben and give him a wonderful day.
Upkeep must be payed until Ben is no longer conscious. Once Ben is unconscious, remove "Happy Birthday Ben!" from play and return to deck.
Have a great one Ben! And if I end up on that side of the Atlantic, sir, I would have a duel with you!
Sorry, not a valid play. Ben doesn't drink, and therefore is immune to all beer-related effects.
Happy birthday, Ben!
Oh, good play Ben, good play......
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