For example, one of the big delays in starting up Moviestorm was reading in all the metadata for characters and props (descriptors, templates, etc). Since this involved scanning the file system to find them and then parsing each file, this could take quite a while (easily a minute or more with a lot of AddOns loaded). The metadata are now all published in a single file that can be scanned for content really fast and then loaded on demand. As a result, this phase of the start-up process has been drastically reduced, and now typically only 5-10 seconds!
Meshes used to be painfully slow to load, but now all the meshes in an AddOn are packed into a single file and in the same format that OpenGL needs to send directly to the GPU. This makes loading characters and props much, much faster.
As well as looking at getting the data into Moviestorm faster, I've also been investigating the start-up process and what gets loaded when. Some of the stuff that Moviestorm does in the start-up phase isn't actually needed until later (typically, not until we get on set). So those bits of the process have been hived off onto worker threads, carrying on in the background and which will only cause a pause if it hasn't finished by the time it's needed.
The upshot of all this so far is that Moviestorm now gets to the first screen within about 5 seconds, and most of that time is just loading the binary, setting up OpenGL and other unavoidable bits of work. The main pause is now when you start a new movie or load a movie, but even then, you should get on set within about 30 seconds.
I haven't finished this job yet, so hopefully we'll shave a few more seconds off here and starting Moviestorm should become a real slick experience, comparable with starting World of Warcraft, Fallout 3 or anything from Steam. However, you'll notice the difference right away.
This is fantastic. Nice job Dave. Not that it's that important, but, does any of this improve the load time of the Modshop?
Most of my improvements don't help the Modshop as I've been focussing on loading published addons fast whereas the Modshop needs to see the raw files. However Conor is planning some significant improvements in building the asset tree more lazily.
Well on the face of it, this is terrific news. But... I use that load time to reflect on the day that's been, to think about my hopes and dreams for the future, and often to watch a movie (Slumdog next).
What will become of my life if Moviestorm goes all "efficient"?!
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