After the release of Moviestorm 1.0.3 on Monday, a number of changes were checked in which broke a large variety of things. Here is the first Bug of the Day, direct from ShortFuze QA:
[edit: twak] here's another -
And while we're at lowering the tone here's the original moviestorm logo (that we only just took out of the distro...)
When your logo is wordart, the only direction is up ;)
We were thinking - we have to do a presentation to potential investors in about 3 hours and we have to do something to make this bloody Word document and the screen mockups look a bit nicer and my copy of Photoshop is on my other computer... yep, WordArt is the way to go!
Then, like all real temporary fixes, we left it there for nearly three years.
It is a perfect... logo!
Actually, it's terrible. What were we thinking?
We were thinking - we have to do a presentation to potential investors in about 3 hours and we have to do something to make this bloody Word document and the screen mockups look a bit nicer and my copy of Photoshop is on my other computer... yep, WordArt is the way to go!
Then, like all real temporary fixes, we left it there for nearly three years.
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